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Zidane Religion

Zinedine Zidane: A Non-Practicing Muslim in the Spotlight

Name and Birth Information

Zinedine Zidane, born June 23, 1972, is a renowned French footballer known as "Zizou."

Religious Beliefs

Born into a Muslim household, Zidane identifies as a non-practicing Muslim. Despite his background, he does not publicly display or discuss his personal beliefs.

Notable Muslim Converts in Football

Zidane's non-practicing Muslim status stands in contrast to other famous footballers who have converted to different religions. For example, Djibril Cisse converted from Islam to Christianity.

Zidane and French Racial Politics

Zidane's position as a non-practicing Muslim places him at the center of French racial politics. As a public figure, he has become a symbol of the country's ongoing struggles with identity and integration.
