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Headline: Sahra Wagenknecht Blasts Government's Policies

Subheadline: Linken-Fraktionschefin Slams Policies as Harmful to Germany

In a fiery speech that is sure to make headlines, Sahra Wagenknecht, leader of the Left Party parliamentary group (Die Linke), has launched a scathing attack on the German government. Wagenknecht accused the government of pursuing policies that are "deeply harmful to the country and its citizens." She specifically criticized the government's handling of the ongoing energy crisis, its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and its policies on immigration and asylum.

Wagenknecht's speech comes at a time of growing public discontent with the government's policies. Recent polls show that the government's popularity has plummeted in recent months. The government has been particularly criticized for its handling of the energy crisis, which has seen energy prices soar and prompted fears of rationing this winter. Wagenknecht's speech is likely to further fuel public anger and could put pressure on the government to change its course.
